First Moncton is located in downtown Moncton at the corner of Church and Queen Streets. Both the main Church Building and the Christian Education building are wheelchair accessible, with a lift providing access to two main levels in each building. Information about parking, accessibility, as well as the bus ministry is provided below and directions to the church is provided on the right.
Parking is available in the First Moncton parking lot located at the corner of Queen and Robinson Streets, and includes five handicapped parking places.
First Moncton also has three parking spaces in the Church Court parking lot located at the rear of the Church Building. These parking spaces are identified by “First Baptist Parking” signage and are designated as handicapped parking. The entrance to this parking lot is off Victoria Street, between Robinson and Church Streets.
There are various places to park on the streets surrounding the church. Also, there is a parking garage located between Queen and Main Streets, very close to the church, with entrances on Church Street and Alma Street. Free on Sundays.
First Moncton provides an accessible worship environment for all, with two accessible entrances and a lift. A lift is located between the Church Building and the Christian Education building on Queen Street, providing accessibility to the two main levels in each building.
An attendant is on duty before and after both worship services on Sundays to provide assistance and operate the lift. A sign is placed on the Queen Street sidewalk to direct visitors to the lift when it is available for use. A second accessible entrance is located at the rear of the Church Building, facing the Church Court parking lot, close to the three handicapped parking places.
taxi ministry
For some individuals and families who have difficulties coming to our in-person worship, First Moncton provides a Taxi Ministry to provide transportation to and from both Sunday worship services. What is it? Well, we have an arrangement with a local taxi company and arrange taxi services on a need-to-need basis for Sunday morning. For more information or to request this service, please contact the church office (857-1113).